2020-2021 Section Report
Collaborative Law Section
Jill Lowe, Chair
What a great year to be a Collaborative Law Section member! Members benefited from newsletters and the webinar CLE program in December 2021. The Section-sponsored Innovations Team started designing enhancements to the Collaborative Law/ADR models to make the processes more accessible, financially feasible, and attractive to a broader range of clients. The council appointed a committee to oversee the Ruth Rickard Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to a law school student at South Texas College of Law Houston for attending the Collaborative Law Training Course. For the first time, the Section created an Observers List of collaboratively trained professionals to observe a collaborative case.
We are excited for the Section’s CLE held with the State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting. This year Ron Ousky is presenting on Purple Cows and Common Sense: Inspiration and Ideas for creating and sustaining a Remarkable Collaborative Practice. Ron’s presentation addresses how to approach every new case with the opportunity to achieve a remarkable “purple cow” outcome for the clients in the collaborative process.
We anticipate this next bar year will contain opportunities to improve collaborative skills and spread the word about the collaborative process and its benefits. Make sure to renew your membership!